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Internal hackathons for innovation

The right tool to promote an innovation mindset

Published on 28 of February 2024. 3.5 min read.

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How do internal hackathons help companies promote an innovation mindset in a company?

Innovation internal hackathons’ goal is to instil an innovation mindset and culture within the organisation.

This type of event is organised to provide employees with new skills, both for their professional development but also to support the company's growth, which will ultimately result in a win-win for everyone involved.

Table of contents

  1. Benefits of Innovation Internal Hackathons

    1.1. Promoting an innovation mindset

    1.2. Generating a culture of creativity and collaboration

    1.3. Integration of external expertise

    1.4. Employees to acquire innovation skills

  2. Impact on company culture

    2.1. Building a sense of innovation

    2.2. Encouraging risk-taking and experimentation

    2.3. Boosting employee morale and engagement

  3. Conclusion

Let’s begin with the direct benefits that such an event can bring to the table:

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1. Benefits of Innovation Internal Hackathons

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1.1. Promoting an innovation mindset

Innovation internal hackathons serve as catalysts for innovation by inspiring employees to think beyond their day-to-day responsibilities and explore new ideas.

When employees see that their ideas are valued and that innovation is actively promoted, they are more likely to continuously seek out innovative solutions in their everyday work.

Internal hackathons provide a space where creativity can flourish, allowing employees to flex their problem-solving muscles and push the boundaries of what is possible.

Promoting an innovation mindset is a way to accelerate corporate innovation.

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1.2. Generating a culture of creativity and collaboration

One of the greatest advantages of internal hackathons is the opportunity for cross-functional collaboration.

Teams composed of individuals from different departments and backgrounds come together, bringing diverse perspectives and skill sets to the table.

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1.3. Integration of external expertise

To further enrich the hackathon experience, companies can invite external mentors and coaches to participate.

The role of these experts is to bring fresh, new, diverse, and open perspectives to the employees.

They can offer guidance, share industry best practices, and challenge participants to think differently.

The integration of ideas from external entities encourages participants to step outside their comfort zones and explore innovative approaches.

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1.4. Employees to acquire innovation skills

Participating in internal hackathons equips employees with valuable skills that go beyond the event itself.

Internal hackathons often embrace a design thinking approach (it’s always a good idea to rely on experts to develop your hackathon design thinking approach), which encourages participants to empathise with users, define problem statements, brainstorm solutions, prototype, and test.

These skills can be applied to everyday work, enabling employees to approach challenges with a more innovative and user-centred mindset.

The usual suspects tools for this approach are Miro and Mural.

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2. Impact on company culture

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2.1. Building a sense of innovation

By hosting hackathons, companies signal to their employees that innovation is not just a buzzword, but a core value of the organisation.

This generates a sense of excitement and curiosity among employees, inspiring them to proactively seek out opportunities for innovation.

When employees feel supported and empowered to contribute their ideas and a sense of innovation is thriving, they become more invested in the success of the company and motivated to make a difference.

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2.2. Encouraging risk-taking and experimentation

Hackathons create a safe space for employees to take risks and experiment with new ideas.

Failure is reframed as a learning opportunity, encouraging employees to step out of their comfort zones and embrace uncertainty.

This culture of experimentation fuels creativity and drives continuous improvement within the organisation.

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2.3. Boosting employee morale and engagement

Participating in hackathons can be a source of pride and accomplishment for employees.

It provides an opportunity to showcase their skills, collaborate with colleagues, and make a tangible impact on the organisation.

This sense of achievement boosts employee morale and engagement, leading to increased job satisfaction and a more positive work environment.

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3. Conclusion

If you feel your company, organisation, or startup is stuck, consider incorporating internal hackathons into your organisation's innovation strategy.

Get help and fresh inputs from external experts who can guide your employees with proven innovative approaches and methodologies.

Many companies already do so, always coming out ahead.

Let’s talk if you want to innovate with an internal hackathon for your company, entity, or institution.

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