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Skills of the future and hackathons

Internal hackathons: better than training courses.

Published on the 09th of March 2024. 2.5 min read.

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How internal hackathons can help companies develop the skills of the future

In this listicle, we will explore how internal hackathons can help companies train and develop new skills for their employees.

Each hackathon can be designed to provide the employees with even the most niche skills.

Here is a list of skills that will be predominant in the coming years:

Of course, we need to start with Artificial Intelligence:

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During hackathons, live sessions and workshops on artificial intelligence are organised.

AI experts provide training sessions to employees, equipping them with the latest AI tools and techniques.

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Critical thinking

Hackathon processes are designed to instil employees with analytical thinking techniques.

Participants are challenged to identify problems, analyse data, and develop innovative solutions within a limited timeframe.

This stimulates critical thinking skills, as employees learn to evaluate multiple perspectives and make informed decisions under pressure.

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Creative thinking

Creativity and innovation are at the core of hackathons.

A design thinking process, often applied during hackathons, encourages participants to think outside the box and develop novel ideas and solutions.

By actively engaging in brainstorming sessions and prototyping, employees develop creative thinking skills that can be applied to their everyday work.

Mural creativity template.

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Hackathons are typically conducted within a short period, often a weekend.

The nature of this event requires participants to adapt quickly and effectively to deliver compelling hackathon results.

Employees develop adaptability skills through this process, learning to work efficiently in challenging and ever-changing environments.

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Curiosity and motivation

Hackathons promote an environment of curiosity and motivation.

Employees are encouraged to explore new technologies, collaborate with colleagues from diverse backgrounds, and experiment with innovative ideas.

This promotes a culture of continuous learning, where employees are motivated to seek out new knowledge and skills beyond the hackathon event.

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The greater benefit of an internal hackathon design to develop new employee skills is its fast nature.

By definition, a hackathon is usually run for 2 or 3 days.

This is all the time that is needed to provide your employees with the above listed skills, and more.

Compared to most training courses, hackathons are fun and engaging, which makes them easier to remember as a learning experience.

A win for the company and the employees.

Let’s talk if you want to train your employees effectively and quickly with an internal hackathon.