Welcome to our blog

We talk about hackathons, events, innovation, and partnerships.

Michele Erba | Hackathon Coordinator | Pristine Agency Michele Erba | Hackathon Coordinator | Pristine Agency

The perfect hackathon timeline

Let’s explore the details of a perfect example of an optimised hackathon timeline, deriving from our past hackathons experience, and proven effective throughout our past hackathons.

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Michele Erba | Hackathon Coordinator | Pristine Agency Michele Erba | Hackathon Coordinator | Pristine Agency

Hackathon problem statements

Get inspired by some real case examples of hackathon problem statements for your hackathon in 2024.

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Michele Erba | Hackathon Coordinator | Pristine Agency Michele Erba | Hackathon Coordinator | Pristine Agency

The perfect hackathon structure

In this article we go over the perfect hackathon structure, including some expert tips.

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Michele Erba | Hackathon Coordinator | Pristine Agency Michele Erba | Hackathon Coordinator | Pristine Agency

How to organise an internal hackathon

Are you thinking about running an internal hackathon for your company? In this article, we cover every aspect, from A to Z.

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Michele Erba | Hackathon Coordinator | Pristine Agency Michele Erba | Hackathon Coordinator | Pristine Agency

Innovation challenge guide

This article explores the main focus points and steps to organise an excellent innovation challenge, from delivering a complete pre-challenge ideation phase to accompanying the teams in their ideas‘ acceleration, incubation, and mentoring phase.

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