Hackathon platform

Run your hackathon seamlessly on the Eventornado hackathon software.

A tool designed for virtual, physical, and hybrid hackathons.


Eventornado is engineered to cover every aspect of your hackathon journey, from a dedicated event landing page to the evaluation of the hackathon outcomes.

Hackathon platform dashboard

Eventornado comes with a landing page for your event, that you can also white label with your logo and event banner!

Customise the name of each button: change “Register” to “Join”, and more…

White labeled landing page

Hackathon platform landing page

100% customisable registration form: texts, single option, multiple options, attachments, video links.

You name it.

Registration form

Registration form

Design your own team/idea form to ask for all the deliverables and outcomes you will request the teams to generate and submit during the hackathon.

Each field can be linked to a specific hackathon phase and will appear only when planned.

You can make each field required and/or private.

Teams and ideas form

Teams and ideas form

Create the info tabs for your hackathon, such as Mentors, Resources, Hack Guide, Support, Live Sessions, and more.

You can name them as you wish, add your icon, and fill them in with all the information you want, including files, links, charts, tables, and images.

Add your info tabs

Info tabs

Add as many phases as you wish, from “Registrations Open” to “Awards Ceremony”.

Decide what users can see or do during each phase.

For example, remove the “Register” button once the registrations are closed.

Create your hackathon timeline

Hackathon timeline

Let each registrant meet the other participants and find their perfect team through our matchmaking process.

You can also manually create the teams and assign each participant to them.

No one is left behind.

Matchmaking and team formation

Matchmaking and team formation dashboard

Send emails and reminders directly from Eventornado.

Emailing tool

Emailing tool

Unlimited number of admins and super users, with different levels of access: from “can see and do everything” to “content edit only”.

Users and admins

Users and admins dashboard

Integrate your event’s chat directly on your own Discord server or set up a brand new one.

Integrated chat

Integrated chat with Discord

Wrap up the ideas and send them directly to the Jury Members in a quick configuration for an easy evaluation, adding your own evaluation criteria.

Ideas review tool

Evaluation process dashboard

Easily export all the registration data, files, and outcomes generated during the hackathon.

Export your event data

Export event data functionality

Your event can be open to everyone or visible only to registered users.

Make the ideas and deliverables visible to the team only, or have your event completely private and accessible only by email domains set by you.

Set your privacy level

Privacy functionality

Schedule a demo today!

Book a demo with one of our platform manager today for a full showcase