Hackathon ideas for companies

A list of hackathon ideas for your corporate, institution, or entity in 2024.

Published on the 25th of July 2024. 3.5 min read.



Considering hosting a hackathon for your company, institution, or organization?

It's wise to explore best practices, use cases, and successful hackathon ideas implemented by others.

This article aims to provide a clear and informative overview of successful hackathon ideas from past hackathons hosted on Eventornado, categorizing them by macro topics.

As defined in this article: “The hackathon macro topic is the specific field, industry, sector, area, or domain of the event. It’s the big umbrella under which you can create several hackathon problem statements.”

Therefore, the hackathon ideas can be very diverse depending on the nature of each macro topic.

Let’s explore together some inspirational examples.


1. Talents and human resources

Event name

WPH Digital Hackathon: Next Gen Revolution 2024

WPH Digital Hackathon: Next Gen Revolution 2024 banner

Hackathon idea

Developing solutions that can help employers find the perfect fit for their open positions quickly and efficiently, using and enhancing existing recruiting tools to assess candidates.

The participants’ solutions aimed to increase the suitability between the organizer and interested talents, saving everyone's valuable time and effort.


WPH Digital.


2. Industry and manufacturing

Event name

Open Innovation Academy, Tartu pilot program 2023

Open Innovation Academy banner with the text "open" in blue, the text "innovation" in green, and the text "academy" in blue. People sitting on a table with a paper white board on the background.

Hackathon idea

The participating students were invited to look for solutions to entrepreneurs' challenges leveraging the EIT platform Skills.Move, with the support of mentors, coaches, and investors.

Hackathon problem statements envisioned:

  • Digitization of production order handling

  • Accurate inventory tracking for variable steel profile stock

  • Efficiently processing high-moisture industrial waste for raw material recovery

  • Leveraging untapped solar potential on high-rise buildings

  • Identifying scalable business models for high-ROI, complex products with limited resources


University of Tartu.


3. Healthcare

Event name

Health Hack: Digital Health Nation

Doctors wearing white coats in a room watching a tv during an online meeting

Hackathon idea

Addressing patient and HCP`s challenges, co-creating digital health solutions, and forming innovation project teams.

Hackathon problem statements envisioned:

  • Patient engagement and empowerment

  • Healthcare information quality, access, and interoperability

  • Value-based healthcare (VBHC)

  • Healthcare Professional (HCP) education and adoption of digital tools


Basel Area.


4. Cybersecurity

Event name

kood/Jõhvi Cybersecurity Hackathon

Hackathon idea

Finding innovative solutions to recurring problems and challenges in cybersecurity.

Hackathon problem statements envisioned:

  • Mitigating rising data breach costs through robust security measures

  • Phishing email probability calculator

  • Cybersecurity posture management platform for non-technical leadership

  • Behavioral profiling for spear-phishing attack mitigation

  • Combating digital device overuse for improved mental and physical health

  • Proactive SME phishing page detection and monitoring system




5. Entrepreneurship

Event name

YNG Hack The Future Hackathon

Grey and light red banner with trees, flames, bicicles, coffee cups, bomb, and a plane on it

Hackathon idea

Creating a viable start-up idea, while building meaningful connections.

The event invited the participants to brainstorm ideas and create plans to solve relevant and impactful issues.

Hackathon problem statements envisioned:

  • Reimagining urban and natural ecosystems for equitable well-being

  • Rebuilding economic resilience and social equity in a changing world

  • Redefining education for accessibility, inclusivity, and lifelong learning

  • Building inclusive, equitable, and resilient societies for a peaceful future




6. Coding

Event name

Alpha x Terra Hackathon

Dark blue banner with a white text on it

Hackathon idea

Empower developers and entrepreneurs to build innovative Terra blockchain projects by providing resources, mentorship, and funding opportunities.

Hackathon problem statements envisioned:

  • Prototype track: hack a prototype during the program

  • Accelerate track: improve an existing MVP


Alpha Venture DAO


7. Humanitarian engineering

Event name

Engineering for Humanity

Macro topic

Engineering for Humanity was a two-day event where participants collaborated to solve humanitarian engineering challenges.

Hackathon problem statements envisioned:

  • Recycling/waste management

  • Sustainable materials

  • Education

  • Capacity building

  • Sanitation, water & agriculture




8. Artificial intelligence

Event name


White banner with a purple text on the left and 2 women on a laptop on the right.

Macro topic

The hackathon aimed to improve gender equality through awareness and action, use AI-based tech solutions to promote gender quality, and identify scalable solutions to attract investment in gender equality.

Hackathon problem statements envisioned:

  • Leveraging AI for gender-equitable healthcare solutions.

  • Reduce the gender pay gap

  • Leveraging AI to achieve gender parity in leadership and decision-making

  • Ensure equal distribution of unpaid housework

  • Provide equal education opportunities

  • Using AI to prevent and address violence against women.


Vinnova and Accenture



So, as you can see, coming up with a compelling idea for your hackathon is strictly related to your industry and sector since the ideas here above are very different from each other.

However, generating a hackathon idea for your company is just the beginning of the hackathon structure planning activity.

A successful hackathon must also comprehend well-written and relevant problem statements to be solved by the participants, together with many other tasks.

We hope the real case examples above inspired you to generate your hackathon idea!

Feel free to get in touch if you need expert advice on how to plan your next hackathon.

Michele Erba | Hackathon Coordinator | Pristine Agency

Michele has 12+ years of experience as a Senior Project Manager with a background in Economics.

Self-starter professional. Comfortable in moving across multidisciplinary and fast-paced environments. Continuously learning and expanding a technical mindset, focusing on problem-solving, design thinking, and a B2B client-centric approach.

Measuring across multidisciplinary fields such as physical and online event management, customer relationships, strategy/business development, digital marketing, brand promotion, and SEO.

He’s also a LinkedIn Certified Marketing Insider.


The perfect hackathon timeline


What is a hackathon?