Welcome to our blog
We talk about hackathons, events, innovation, and partnerships.
EMODnet Open Sea Lab 4.0 Hackathon
The Open Sea Lab Hackathon 4.0 invites participants to develop impactful solutions using the wealth of EMODnet services spanning pan-European data/data products of the marine environment and human activities at sea.
Offshore Hack4Wind Hackathon
Explore the Offshore Hack4Wind Hackathon 2025: where academic ideas drive real-world offshore innovation!
Sahlgrenska Global Health Hackathon
Help us addressing the global health challenges in the Sahlgrenska Global Health Hackathon!
Open Innovation Academy Hackathon
Engage in the Open Innovation Hackathon 2024 to transform your skills and ignite your entrepreneurial spirit!
The perfect hackathon timeline
Let’s explore the details of a perfect example of an optimised hackathon timeline, deriving from our past hackathons experience, and proven effective throughout our past hackathons.
Hackathon ideas for companies
In need of some inspiration to start your next hackathon? Read this article with 8 examples of real-case hackathon ideas for companies.
What is a hackathon?
What exactly is a hackathon? What are the types of hackathons? Why are hackathons conducted? What are the benefits? Read this article for key information about hackathons.
Hackathon problem statements
Get inspired by some real case examples of hackathon problem statements for your hackathon in 2024.
The perfect hackathon structure
In this article we go over the perfect hackathon structure, including some expert tips.