Hackathons and internal feedback

Know what employees think about their workplace

Published on 11th of March 2024. 3 min read.


Collect employees' feedback with internal hackathons

Internal hackathons can be leveraged as an employee satisfaction measurement technique.

They are a valuable avenue for collecting feedback that can drive meaningful change within a company.

By requesting feedback from participants, organisations can gain insights into workplace perceptions, employee mindsets, skill development, and more.

In this blog post, we'll explore the significance of employee feedback in internal hackathons and how it can benefit both individuals and the company as a whole.


Let’s start with changes in the workplace perceptions:

1. Shift in workplace perceptions

Before participating in an internal hackathon, employees may have a certain perception of their workplace.

Through the hackathon experience, they have the opportunity to collaborate, innovate, and contribute to solving real challenges.

The feedback gathered post-hackathon can shed light on any shifts in workplace perceptions.

People working in a workplace

It allows companies to understand how employees perceive their work environment and identify areas for improvement.

2. Transforming mindsets

Internal hackathons often challenge participants to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions.

This can lead to a transformation in employee approach, promoting an environment of innovation, a growth mindset, and continuous learning.

Feedback obtained after the hackathon can provide valuable insights into any changes in mindset.

Three people in a blue corridor with a yellow background at the end

It helps organisations gauge the event's impact on participants' thinking processes and encourages them to embrace new perspectives and approaches.

3. Skill development assessment

Hackathons provide a unique platform for employees to acquire new skills and expand their knowledge base.

By collecting feedback on skill development, organisations can gauge the effectiveness of the hackathon in enhancing employees' capabilities.

The feedback reveals which skills were acquired or improved during the event, such as creative thinking, AI, critical thinking, adaptability, curiosity, motivation, and more.

Pile of books of different colors

This information can guide future training and development efforts, ensuring they align with employees' needs and aspirations.

4. Identifying strengths and areas for improvement

One of the primary benefits of soliciting employee feedback in internal hackathons is the ability to identify strengths and areas for improvement within the company.

By asking targeted questions in a comprehensive survey, organisations can pinpoint specific aspects of the hackathon that resonated well with employees and those that could be enhanced.

Girl raising hand at a conference

This feedback enables companies to make real-case data-driven decisions and implement changes that align with employees' preferences and expectations.

Examples of a final hackathon survey questions could include:

  • Are you satisfied with the availability and support of your Mentor during the hackathon?

  • Is there any mentoring skill that was missed during the hackathon?

  • How your company's perception has changed after the hackathon?

  • Do you think the new skills acquired during the hackathon can also be used in your daily tasks from now on?

  • Do you feel there have been changes in your mindset after the hackathon?

  • What new skills you have acquired? Creative thinking; AI; critical thinking, Adaptability; Curiosity; Motivation; etc

  • Do you think we could improve any internal process/tool? If yes, what and how?

5. Applying new skills in daily tasks

The skills acquired during a hackathon should not be limited to the event itself.

Employee feedback can shed light on whether participants believe they can apply their newfound skills in their daily tasks.

This insight is invaluable in ensuring that the skills gained are effectively utilised and integrated into employees' roles.

Office stationery

It enables organisations to promote a culture of continuous learning and empowers employees to make a tangible impact in their day-to-day work.

6. Key takeaways

Internal hackathons provide a unique opportunity for organisations to gain valuable insights into workplace perceptions, mindset shifts, skill development, and more by actively seeking employee feedback.

This information allows organisations to make informed decisions, fine-tune their operations, and ultimately stay ahead of their competitors.

Let’s talk if you want to get business results and receive employees’ feedback on your company at the same time.

Michele Erba | Hackathon Coordinator | Pristine Agency

Michele has 12+ years of experience as a Senior Project Manager with a background in Economics.

Self-starter professional. Comfortable in moving across multidisciplinary and fast-paced environments. Continuously learning and expanding a technical mindset, focusing on problem-solving, design thinking, and a B2B client-centric approach.

Measuring across multidisciplinary fields such as physical and online event management, customer relationships, strategy/business development, digital marketing, brand promotion, and SEO.

He’s also a LinkedIn Certified Marketing Insider.


Hackathon website template


Hackathons: boost a company’s image