Welcome to our blog
We talk about hackathons, events, innovation, and partnerships.
Open Innovation Academy Hackathon
Engage in the Open Innovation Hackathon 2024 to transform your skills and ignite your entrepreneurial spirit!
What is a hackathon?
What exactly is a hackathon? What are the types of hackathons? Why are hackathons conducted? What are the benefits? Read this article for key information about hackathons.
The perfect hackathon structure
In this article we go over the perfect hackathon structure, including some expert tips.
HackHERHealth Hackathon: wrapping things up!
Read the use case of the HackHERHealth hackathon, including key figures and winners!
HackHERHealth Hackathon
Join us for the HackHERHealth Femtech Innovation Hackathon and help us generate solutions to close the health gender gap!
Hackathons and partnerships
Partnerships are a great solution to connect the missing dots that a company, entity, or institution might struggle to do on its own. And hackathons are great for networking.
Acceleration hackathons
How can we leverage hackathons to speed up your product or service development? What’s happening during this type of hackathon? Meet the acceleration hackathons.
Market research hackathons
Hackathons have no limits in terms of application. One of them is market research and validation. Read this article to know more.
Hackathon prizes
It’s not always about money, at least in terms of hackathon prizes. Explore all the types of hackathon prizes and the perfect audience for them.